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Ian Thompson
Apr 12, 20194 min read
Talking with the Rocks
In precious little bits of free time over the last couple of weeks, I (Ian) have been working on a small flintknapping project....
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Ian Thompson
May 13, 20182 min read
Traditional Dyes Class with a very Special Guest
This has been a week of cultural exchange and friendship that we will never forget. The story sort of begins in the 1800s, when some...
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Ian Thompson
Apr 26, 20182 min read
The Plants that Tie Us Together
When we think about Native American clothing of the past, buckskin is the material that usually comes to mind. Rarely do we picture...
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Ian Thompson
Jan 7, 20184 min read
Fat Earth
The flicker of warm, yellow light and the sweet smell of cedar smoke radiated out into the 15 degree January night. We were camped out...
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Lambsquarter cooks in a Choctaw clay pot
Jun 9, 20161 min read
The Oklahoma Gardening Show Visits Our Farm
We were thrilled to have had Oklahoma Gardening, a PBS affiliate and a part of the Oklahoma State Extension, come to the Nan Awaya...
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